JTI Inducts Pepperdine Interns
Group Photo: Externs from Pepperdine University during the induction
At least 13 interns from Pepperdine University underwent training at the Judicial Training Institute (JTI) before being deployed at different courts.
The interns were inducted by the JTI Executive Director, Hon. JusticeDr Henry Peter Adonyo.
Hon. Justice Dr Justice Adonyo welcomed the interns and took them through the different court systems and structures.
He said the Judiciary is facing many challenges especially case backlog but added that different interventions such as Plea Bargaining are being utilized to deal with it.
He told the interns that they would be able to experience plea bargains during their eight-week stay with the Judiciary.
The interns have been attached to Supreme Court, Court of Appeal; Criminal, Family and Anti- Corruption divisions of the High Court,Office of Judiciary Advisor on Reforms as well as the Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecution.
The induction was witnessed by Mr. Andrew Khaukha, Judiciary's Advisor on Reforms who doubles as the Program Manager of the relationship between the Justice, Law and Order Sector with Pepperdine University.
Ms Susan Rogers witnessed on behalf of Pepperdine University.
Hon. Justice Dr Adonyo further encouraged the interns to alwaysconsult whenever they get challenges so that they can be guided.
On their part, the interns shared their expectations during their stay at the Judiciary. These included learning how the Ugandan courts operate, the Judicial reforms and standards.
The group pledged to develop ideas that will help the Judiciary.
Posted 30th, May 2018